
Media Management and Process Management

Optimal Control of Your Media Activities

Our media management and process management services provide comprehensive support in the strategic selection and management of your media agencies, as well as the optimization of internal processes. We ensure that your media investments are used efficiently and effectively, seamlessly integrated into your business strategy.

Media Management: Strategic Agency Selection and Management

We guide you through the entire process of agency selection and management, ensuring you find the best partner for your specific needs.

  • Pitch Process Support: We assist you from briefing creation to presentation evaluation, including:
    • Briefing Creation: Developing a precise and comprehensive briefing that clearly defines your goals, requirements, and expectations.
    • Agency Selection: Identifying and shortlisting suitable agencies based on your needs and industry demands.
    • Presentation Evaluation: Objective analysis of agency presentations based on predefined criteria.
  • Contract Negotiation and Structuring: We support you in structuring contracts to ensure fair and advantageous terms.
    • Negotiation Support: Assisting in contract negotiations to secure optimal conditions.
    • Contract Review: Thorough review of contract details to minimize potential risks.
  • Long-Term Collaboration: We implement KPIs for performance evaluation and help manage the relationship to ensure a long-term productive partnership.
    • Performance Evaluation: Regular reviews of agency performance for continuous optimization.
    • Relationship Management: Fostering a transparent and productive collaboration between your company and the agency.

Process Management: Optimizing Media Control

Our process management focuses on optimizing your internal structures and processes to effectively manage your media investments.

  • Internal Process Optimization: We analyze and enhance your existing media processes and structures.
    • Assessment: Analyzing existing structures to identify potential improvements.
    • Process Design: Developing efficient workflows for media planning, booking, and control.
    • Resource Allocation: Optimizing resource use for maximum efficiency.
  • External Vendor Management: We optimize collaboration with external media service providers.
    • Interface Management: Improving coordination between your company and external vendors.
    • Performance Monitoring: Implementing systems for continuous performance monitoring of external partners.
  • Ongoing Media Planning Monitoring: We provide real-time monitoring and flexible adaptation strategies.
    • Real-Time Monitoring: Introducing tools for continuous monitoring of your media activities.
    • Adaptation Strategies: Developing flexible strategies to adjust media planning to changing market conditions.
  • Integration into Business Strategy: We ensure that all media activities are aligned with your overarching business goals.
    • Strategic Alignment: Ensuring media activities are in sync with corporate objectives.
    • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between the media department and other key areas such as marketing, sales, and product development.

Through our comprehensive media management and process management services, we ensure that your media activities are optimally managed, seamlessly integrated into your business strategy, and continuously optimized.

Eisold- Mediateam GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 61a
55286 Wörrstadt

→ Directions

Phone:+49 6732 979977-0
Fax:+49 6732 979977-00